Parental Counseling

Are you struggling with parenthood? Do you feel like you don't know how to set boundaries without harming the relationship?

this is entirely normal!

Connect with our caring team

While being a parent is one of the world’s most significant “jobs,” it’s also the hardest. Between wanting to shelter your child and nurture them with endless and unconditional love, you also need to teach, educate, and set some boundaries. Sometimes this can be very challenging to balance. Do you need help with this or any other parental concerns?

Parenting Counseling can be just the right thing for you, and at OVC, we provide you with guidance, support, practical advice, and an attentive ear.

How can OVC help?

Our dedicated team of experienced therapists provides parents with top-to-bottom support and helps them navigate the parenthood challenges and build stronger relationships with their children. Whether you’re struggling with communication, behavioral or emotional issues, or tension-related matters, OVC services offer parents different approaches and tools to overcome them.

Common issues parents face:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Parent-child conflict
  • Discipline problems
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Single parenting
  • Blended families
  • Special needs children
  • Substance abuse
  • Trauma

Types of treatments OVC provides:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

This approach focuses on identifying the thoughts, behaviors, and emotions contributing to a particular problem or issue. In the context of parental Counseling, CBT can help parents identify and change negative thought patterns, increase coping skills, and improve behavior management strategies.

Family Systems Therapy

This approach recognizes that family relationships and dynamics can impact individual behavior. In the context of parental Counseling, family systems therapy can help parents understand and resolve conflict, improve communication, and increase cooperation within the family system.

Solution-Focused Therapy:

This approach emphasizes finding solutions to problems rather than dwelling on the past. Solution-focused therapy can help parents identify and achieve their goals for their children and family and can be particularly useful for addressing specific, concrete problems.

Mindfulness-Based Therapies:

This approachemphasizes the importance of being present in the moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. This approach can help parents reduce stress, improve communication, and increase their ability to manage challenging situations.

Recommendations from our patients

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